

Welcome to the Very First Blog!!!

Hi guys! Hannah here, the author of R.E.A.P.. I can't wait until all of you are able to read this blog, and also to be able to put in your own posts. I'm not quite sure how this posting will be done yet, probably you'll be able to email me the post and I'll post it onto here. Please provide a name if you do so(NOTE: You do not need to give me your full name; even a nickname will suffice). Or, if there is a way to share the blog, I'll set up accounts and give them to you. If I do this, however, your freedom of posting is less limited and you may post something random and unnecessary(not saying I don't trust any of you; I'm just saying some people are more mature than others)...You can pretty much email me any post, but there are some rules. Here are a few:

1. NO HACKING!!! This applies to both Facebook and the blog. If you do so, you will be blocked(if I can do this) from both the blog and Facebook and any post you submit will be rejected. Plus, I'm pretty sure it's illegal and, if I can, I have a right to inform the police. Quite frankly, I can't stand hackers. If you already have an account, don't try to steal another. If you believe you have been hacked, inform me immediately. Email me, Facebook me, do whatever you can to tell me about it, and it will be dealt with.

2. Keep your posts as PG as possible. Occasional swearing may be allowed, depending on the word. Others will be asterisked(the little "*" thingy). Frequent swearing may have a SMALL possibility of being rejected, but I've been told I'm a pushover. Any discrimination against religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation, etc. will be automatically rejected. Sorry; I've dealt with bullying, so I know how NOT fun it is. Don't even bother emailing me the post. Frank talk of sex...ehh, depending on the content, I may let it slide. But if the entire post is about sex...First off, if you do that, it's really gross. I may reject it.

3. ...Hmm, I can't really think of anything else O.O. Just have fun with it! I know many of my friends love to draw and be involved with other artists, so this is an opportunity to get out there and show yourself off. Besides, I'm not that great of a writer when it comes to things like this. I tried writing a novel before. I got to page 90-something, then my computer deleted it -_-...

Anyways, I hope you guys all have tons of fun!!! I can't wait to hear your guys' stories, and I may even let some people submit a character design that they'd like to see in the book! I don't think they'll become permanent characters, but they may have dialogue or an important scene...That reminds me; another(not so) rule:

4. If you would like to submit a character you would like to see in a manga, I think the most impact it'll have in the book will be an important scene. As for stories, I do not need any intro ideas, but I do need endings. I have a scene near the end, but I don't truely know how to end the whole series(Yes, sadly, this story MUST end. This manga is no Bleach or Naruto, sorry :( ). Side stories have a high guarentee of being used, so don't give up on sending stories!!

Okay, I'm pretty sure you get it, LOL. Thank you for becoming part of the story of R.E.A.P.; I can't wait to see all the talent you guys have!!! Love all of you!!! <3


  1. You know, that 90-page document is probabally still oon there somewhere, you know what they say about computers, it's never truly gone.
    ...........(granted it might take a computer expert too find it but if you haven't yet, try searching your recycling bin.....(it also might have just gotten move to a different location or become hidden. try setting your computer to enable viewing hidden files and also try to search for it...(hidden files appear as being slightly faded)))
    fyi:this is all for windows

    anyway, good luck and i hope you can manage to recover that file.

    p.s. you should always back it up, say to a flashdrive or external harddrive.

    1. p.p.s. here is an idea, do like a more modernized manga version of the Canterbury Tales.(ex. have a bunch of new short manga stories be told by te characters like in the canterbury tales)
      again, hope this helps

    2. @dylan: Thanks for that! But it didn't delete the file entirely. The thing was, I put it in my Mom's old computer that she gave me that had Windows XP. All I did was type in the name for the story(mind you; I might turn the story into a manga once I get a job as a professional manga artist), since I had it titled NYT(...not yet titled LOL). So it typed it in, saved it, then moved it over to my other computer, which had Windows Vista(all of the story was in a flashdrive; however, I din't have it in a computer because I was afraid my family would read it). The file was there, but when I opened it all the typing was gone. I had hit "Delete" or anything and the file was there; it just didn't have typing. At all. I assume because the computers weren't compatible, but it's gone.

      For the second comment: I hope to do that someday with a friend. We have two completely different styles of drawing manga, but her style is SO CUTE! I want to do something like that someday with her; it would be great! But I guess I'll have to read Canterbury Tales to completely understand.

      Again, thank you for your input! :D I'll try searching for the file again.
